Vegan Savory Buns Recipe

Prepare for Baking: Place the filled dough balls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Cover them with a damp cloth and let them rise for an additional 20-30 minutes. This second rise will help the buns become even more fluffy and soft.
Step 6: Bake the Buns

Preheat the Oven: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). This ensures the oven is at the right temperature when you are ready to bake.
Bake: Bake the buns in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes, or until they are golden brown. The exact baking time may vary depending on your oven, so keep an eye on them.
Step 7: Serve and Enjoy

Cool and Serve: Once baked, let the buns cool slightly before serving. They can be enjoyed warm or at room temperature.
Additional Tips
1. Choosing the Right Flour: Using all-purpose flour is recommended for this recipe, but you can also experiment with whole wheat or gluten-free flour for different textures and flavors.

2. Yeast Activation: Ensure your water is not too hot, as it can kill the yeast. It should be warm to the touch.

3. Rising Time: The rising time for the dough can vary depending on the temperature of your kitchen. If your kitchen is cool, you might need to let the dough rise for a bit longer.

4. Vegan Cheese: There are many types of vegan cheese available. Choose one that melts well for the best results.

5. Storing Leftovers: These buns can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days. For longer storage, keep them in the refrigerator for up to a week, or freeze for up to 3 months.
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