The Simple Joy of Homemade Cheese Using Just Milk and Lemon

Let it Sit: Remove the pot from heat and let it sit for about 5 to 10 minutes. During this time, the curds will further separate from the whey, which is the liquid left behind.
Strain the Curds: Line a colander with a clean cheesecloth or a fine linen towel and place it over a large bowl. Carefully pour the mixture into the colander to separate the curds from the whey. The liquid whey can be saved for other recipes if you like; it’s great for baking or as a base for smoothies.

Press the Cheese: Gather the corners of the cheesecloth and gently squeeze out as much whey as you can. You can then tie the cloth and hang it for a couple of hours or place it under a weight to press the cheese, which will make it firmer.

Season and Enjoy: Once your cheese has reached the desired consistency, unwrap it and season to taste with a pinch of salt or your favorite herbs. Your homemade cheese is ready to enjoy!

This recipe is not only a fun little project but also a healthier alternative to store-bought cheeses, free from preservatives and artificial flavors. It’s perfect for spreading on a cracker, adding to salads, or simply enjoying with a slice of fresh bread. Delight in the simplicity and the satisfaction of creating something delicious and wholesome right in your own kitchen. Enjoy the process and your tasty creation!