Stuffed Bread with Potato, Peppers, Cheese, and Parsley

Gradually add the flour, mixing until the dough comes together and is soft but not sticky. You might need a little more or less flour, so go by feel.
Work the dough on a floured surface for approximately 5-7 minutes, incorporating the flour until it forms a smooth texture.
Transfer the dough into a greased bowl, then cover it with a cloth and leave it in a warm spot to rise until it has doubled in size, which should take roughly 1 hour.
Prepare the Filling:
While the dough is rising, boil the diced potato until tender, then drain and let it cool.
In a pan with a little oil, sauté the onions and peppers until soft.
In a bowl, mix the sautéed vegetables with the boiled potatoes, chopped parsley, and crumbled cheese. Set aside to cool.
After the dough has risen, punch it down and divide it into small balls (golf ball size).
On a floured surface, roll out each ball into a flat circle.
Place a spoonful of the vegetable and cheese filling in the center of each circle.
Fold the dough over the filling and seal the edges, forming a half-moon shape. Press the edges firmly to close.