Only One Ingredient! Easy Recipe: Healthier and More Affordable than Store-Bought!

Remove the buttermilk and butter from the mixture:
Once the butter and buttermilk have separated, pour out the buttermilk and save it aside for later use in baking or cooking.

To rinse the butter and remove any remaining buttermilk, run cold water over it. Apply pressure to the butter with a spatula or your fingertips to extract as much buttermilk as possible. This is a must if you want the butter to last a long time in the fridge.

To season and preserve butter, simply drop a pinch of salt on top and mix thoroughly. Mold the butter into an object or move it to a new container using parchment paper. Chill before serving.

Guidelines for Optimal Results
Try using premium cream. Bespoke butter is made from premium cream. Opt for organic or grass-fed cream for the best flavor and health benefits.

Allow the cream to cool to room temperature before proceeding. Butter can be made more quickly in this way.
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