No oven! No machine! How to make Custard Cream Pancake

3 egg yolks
1/3 cup sugar
2 tbsp corn starch
10.5 oz. milk
½ tsp vanilla extract
First, let’s make the batter.
Mix the eggs, salt, and sugar in a bowl. Add the milk and continue to stir until they’re well mixed.

Combine all dry ingredients in a separate bowl.
Pour in the wet ingredients into the bowl of dry ingredients and stir. Make sure that there are no lumps in your batter.

Add the oil into the batter and mix thoroughly.
Once everything is mixed well, place the batter in a measuring cup so it will be easy to pour later when you cook it. Set this aside.

Next, make the custard cream.
Place three egg yolks and sugar in a bowl. Stir until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture turns light yellow. Add the corn starch and continue mixing.

Pour milk into a saucepan and add half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.
Set the pan to low heat to warm the milk. Watch for signs that the milk is starting to boil. You can check the sides if it starts to form bubbles. That’s when you turn off the heat and take the pan off the stove.

Pour the warm milk over your egg mixture.
Mix it well, then put it back in the pot. Turn on the stove and set to medium heat. Continue to stir the mixture so it won’t burn.

Remove the saucepan from the heat once the mixture thickens to a cream.
Cover it with cling wrap and cool it down in the freezer for about 20 minutes. After that, take it out of the freezer and stir. You now have your softened and cooled custard cream.

It’s time to cook the pancakes.

Instead of your ordinary pan, use an egg frying pan.
Heat the pan over low heat. Fill half of each slot with the pancake batter. Then, raise the edges of the batter by stirring it. This video made use of a rolling pin, but you can simply use a spoon.

When already slightly cooked, carefully scrape the edges of the pancake.
This will make it easier to take them out later. You can also check if they’re evenly cooked.

If they are, scoop a spoonful of custard cream in the middle of a pancake while you take another one to cover. Press it lightly to form a pancake bun.

Once cooked, slowly take it out of the pan.