Making pickled cucumbers at home with pictures

Cucumber contains low calories, so it helps in eating a light snack that helps you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Therefore, it is one of the foods that helps in controlling weight.

Brain protection :

It contains flavonols, which are a good anti-inflammatory that plays a good role in brain health and works to improve memory, protect nerve cells, and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Reduces the risk of cancer :

Cucumber contains polyphenols, which help reduce the risk of breast, uterine and prostate cancer. It also, uh, contains phytonutrients that have anti-cancer properties.
skin care :

Cucumber is rich in silica, an essential element that helps in developing strong connective tissues. Doctors often recommend cucumber juice for healthier and radiant skin. In addition to the water content in cucumber, it makes it a moisturizing element. It is known that moisture is the skin’s best friend, so why not get natural hydration from cucumber? Cucumber is often used to treat various skin diseases such as sunburn and swelling under the eyes.

Prevents constipation and maintains kidney health:

Cucumber is an ideal combination of water and fiber, so it helps protect the body from constipation and kidney stones. By drinking cucumber juice to consume water and fiber at the same time. Most American reports say that cucumber salad is rich regularly and is a great way to increase your fiber intake. . Cucumber is also a good source of vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which are all the benefits you need. Cucumber contains a large amount of water, about 95% of cucumber is water.

Control blood pressure:

Many studies have been conducted that have proven that people who consume foods rich in magnesium, potassium, and fiber had clear results in lowering blood pressure to normal levels.

Diabetes control:

Cucumber is particularly beneficial for diabetics because it contains the hormones required by beta, which produces insulin. Cucumber contributes to controlling blood sugar because it contains essential nutrients for the body, but the carbohydrates found in cucumber can be easily digested by diabetics.

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