Making pickled cucumbers at home with pictures

Start by cutting the cucumber into slices about 3/4 inch thick and place these slices in the corner of a food storage container. Repeat the process two or more times and now you have three containers, each containing 6 cucumbers.

Boil water on fire.
To each container, add three cloves of garlic, 3 tablespoons of white vinegar, and 1 tablespoon of salt. When finished, you can add dill and red pepper flakes.

Now add enough water to each pot until the cucumbers are covered with water. Cover the glass jars with the lid and place them in the refrigerator until they cool.

Why did we choose this recipe for you?

Benefits of cucumber:

It contains antioxidant properties :

Cucumber contains many antioxidants, including vitamin C and beta-carotene. It also contains antioxidant flavonoids such as quercetin, which provide the body with additional benefits, including protection from cancer and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Reducing stress :

Cucumber contains vitamin B, including vitamin B1, vitamin B5, and vitamin B7. It is known that these vitamins help relieve feelings of anxiety and reduce the harmful effects of stress.

Improving digestive health :

Cucumber contains the most important healthy elements for the digestive system, which are water and fiber, so it helps improve the health of the digestive system.

Maintain a healthy weight :
Continued on next page (page 3)👇

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