How do you clean and shine a tile?

Looking to restore the lustre to your grimy tiles? Want them to gleam like they did when first installed? There’s no need to break the bank on specialized cleaning agents. Let’s dive into some age-old wisdom passed down from my grandmother, who knew a thing or two about making tiles shine.

1. Linseed Oil for Dull Tiles:

Terracotta, cement, and ceramic tiles can lose their sheen over time. Linseed oil is a time-tested remedy to renew their shine. Just remember, a little goes a long way. Dab a few drops on a clean cloth and gently rub the tiles. Ensure it’s absorbed properly and doesn’t leave the floor too slippery.

2. Potato Water Magic:

Looking to restore the lustre to your grimy tiles? Want them to gleam like they did when first installed? There’s no need to break the bank on specialized cleaning agents. Let’s dive into some age-old wisdom passed down from my grandmother, who knew a thing or two about making tiles shine.

1. Linseed Oil for Dull Tiles:

Terracotta, cement, and ceramic tiles can lose their sheen over time. Linseed oil is a time-tested remedy to renew their shine. Just remember, a little goes a long way. Dab a few drops on a clean cloth and gently rub the tiles. Ensure it’s absorbed properly and doesn’t leave the floor too slippery.

2. Potato Water Magic:
Next time you boil potatoes, think twice before pouring the water down the drain. The starch content can help in absorbing grease on the tiles. Using this cleaning method once a month can keep your tiles sparkling.

3. The Versatility of Black Soap:
Continued on next page (page 2)👇

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