In the mixer bowl, add the oil & 3 eggs, sugar and mandarins plus the half juice you reserved from the can. Beat until all combined. On a slow speed, mix in ⅓ of the flour mixture. When it is all combined, add another ⅓. Combine on a slow speed.
With a metal spoon, gently fold in the remaining ⅓ of the flour into the cake mix. Be patient, fold gently so you incorporate air and not cause the cake to end up with a ‘rubbery’ texture.
Pour the batter evenly into the cake pan and place in the oven for 30 – 35 minutes. Use the clean toothpick test to check your cake is done.
When the cake is ready, take out of the oven and leave for 2 minutes to relax in the pan. Turn out of the pan on a cooling rack. Allow to completely cool.
Whip up the fresh cream, adding some powdered / icing sugar if you wish for a sweeter cream. Then when the cream is stiff, spread over the top of the cake and arrange the mandarin slices to your liking. Serve when you are ready!