Grandma’s Favorite All-Purpose Remedy for Blood Purification and Lowering Blood Pressure! This Recipe is a Treasure

2 onions 2 or 3 beets Vinegar Salt, to taste 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil


Peel and boil the beets in salted water. Once cooked, cut them into cubes. Chop the onions into small pieces and add them to the beets. Mix with olive oil and vinegar, season with salt. Let the salad sit for an hour before enjoying it.

Regular consumption of this beet salad can improve your vision and cleanse your liver and colon.

Note: Changes in the color of urine or stools may occur a few hours after consuming beets. This is normal and does not pose any health risk, as the pigments in beets are absorbed in the intestines without degradation.