Melt one stick of butter and olive oil in a skillet on medium heat. Add onions and sauté until they become translucent.
Add Garlic and saute for 30 seconds, stirring constantly so garlic doesn’t burn. Add juice of the lemon, and all the seasonings. Adjust cayenne and red pepper to your level of spiciness.
Add remaining 3 sticks of butter. Simmer until butter is melted, stir constantly.
If using chicken broth, gently stir it into the mixture now. Pour over your favorite seafood and/or reserve some for dipping.
Chicken broth is used to “cut” the sauce. It does not take away from the flavor in any way. In fact- it’s great to add broth if trying to create more sauce, or pour directly over your seafood boil.
Sauce can also be used for dipping.