Express Muffins: Delicious Recipe Ready in 2 Minutes

Welcome to this quick and delicious recipe for muffins ready in just 2 minutes of preparation. These soft and delicious little delights are perfect for satisfying your sweet cravings in no time.

Follow the steps carefully to create tasty muffins that will amaze your taste buds.
Gather all the ingredients needed to make these delicious muffins ready in record time. Here’s what you’ll need:

Ingredients :
_ 120g butter

_ 300g flour

_ 120g of sugar

_ 1 pinch of salt

_ 120 ml of milk

_ 1 packet of vanilla sugar

_ 1 pinch of baking powder

_ 2 eggs

_ 50g of chocolate

These simple yet flavorful ingredients are the key to creating moist, irresistible muffins.
Continued on next page (page 2)👇