Delicious Layered Vegetable Bake

Today, we’re making a delicious layered vegetable bake with eggplant, potatoes, and cheese. This dish is packed with flavor and is perfect for a hearty meal. Let’s dive into this easy and tasty recipe!

Preparation Time
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 50 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 10 minutes
1 large eggplant
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
Garlic powder
2 medium potatoes
Sweet paprika
1 large tomato
2 green onions
Fresh parsley
100g grated gouda cheese
60g grated Parmesan
1 egg
80g tomato puree
100g grated mozzarella
Dried oregano
Prepare the Eggplant
Slice Eggplant: Cut the eggplant into thin slices, about 1-2 mm thick.
Season Eggplant: Brush the slices with olive oil and season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder.
Prepare the Potatoes
Slice Potatoes: Cut the potatoes into thin slices, about 1-2 mm thick.
Season Potatoes: Season the slices with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and sweet paprika.
Prepare the Tomato and Cheese Layer
Prepare Ingredients: Chop the large tomato, slice the green onions, and chop fresh parsley.
Mix Cheese Layer: In a bowl, combine the grated gouda cheese, grated Parmesan, chopped tomato, green onions, parsley, salt, and pepper. Beat in the egg to bind the mixture. Optionally, add 2 large spoons of ricotta for extra creaminess.
Continued on next page 👇(page 2)👇