Delicious chocolate cake.

A little salt.

Preparation Première étape: Préparez le gâteau.

Chauffer le four à 175 degrees Celsius (350 degrees Fahrenheit) before use. Enduire de matière grasse et saupoudrer de farine deux moules ronds de 9 pouces de diamètre, puis pleasure du papier sulfurisé au fond.

Mix the dry ingredients: In a large bowl, blend the farine, the sugar, the cocoa powder, the yeast, the bicarbonate of soude and the salt in the paste.

Mix the liquid ingredients: In a separate container, mix together the ribs, vegetable hues, leaves and vanilla extract to obtain a smooth mélange.

Mélangez: Mix the liquid ingredients with the dry ingredients and mix to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Add the hot water little by little to the mixture while stirring until smooth. The dough will be thin.

Cook: Spread the batter evenly into the prepared cake pans. Cuisinez au four pendant 30 à 35 minutes ou jusqu’à ce qu’un cure-dent inséré au center en ressorte propre.

Refroidir: Let the cakes cool in the pans for 10 minutes, then transfer them to wire racks to cool completely.

Step 2: Make the chocolate cream.

Cook the cream: In a small casserole, heat the thick cream with medium heat until it begins to boil lightly. Do not let it boil.

Mix with the chocolate: Place the chopped chocolate in a heat-safe bowl. Pour the heated cream over the chocolate and let it sit for 5 minutes. Stir in the butter and mix until the chocolate has completely melted and the mixture is smooth.

Cook the mixture: Let the mixture cool to room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator until it thickens and can be spread, about 1 hour.

Step 3: Make the chocolate coating.

Mélanger le beurre: In a large bowl, fouetter the beurre ramolli jusqu’à ce qu’il devienne crémeux.

Add the dry ingredients: Gradually add the powdered sugar and cocoa powder, beating at low speed until everything is well mixed.

Mettez de la crème et de la vanille: ajoutez de la crème épaisse, de l’extrait de vanille et un peu de sel. Battez quickly until the glaze becomes light and mousseux.

Step 4: Assemble the cake.

Flatten the cakes: If necessary, level the tops of the cooled cakes with a serrated knife.

If you have a door with a seat or a support, you can decorate it. Étendez une couche épaisse de crème au chocolat sur le dessus. Place the second cake layer on top of the chocolate cream.

When you find the door, use the chocolate icing on the desserts and the edges, and then use the liquid with a spatule or a grattoir.

Step 5: Garnish and serve.

To finish, you can add the chocolate fondu on the door or sauté the chocolate morceaux for the decoration.

Cool: Let the cake cool for at least 1 hour before cutting to allow the cream and frosting to harden.

Serve: Coupez le gâteau et ajoutez des baies fraîches ou de la crème fouettée si vous le préférez.

Tips to be successful.

Ingredients at room temperature: Make sure all ingredients, especially eggs and buttermilk, are at room temperature for best results.

Refrigerate the ganache: Put the ganache in the refrigerator so that it cools down before the mettre sur le gâteau, so that it does not cool.

Even Layers: Use a serrated knife to even out the cake layers for a professional finish.

Ce délicieux gâteau au chocolat est le rêve de tous ceux que aiment el chocolat devenu vrai. Avec ses délicieuses couches de gâteau, sa creme fondante et son glaçage crémeux, ce gâteau est ideal pour les anniversaires, les fêtes ou tout événement spécial. Enjoy cooking and savor the delicious result.

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