Coconut Raspberry Poke Cake

I don’t think I’ve ever had raspberry and coconut in the same dessert, but now that I’ve tasted this Coconut Raspberry Poke Cake, I can safely say this combo ranks among my top 5 favorites!
If you’re unfamiliar with poke cakes, they are basically a regular cake with holes poked on top (hence the name) and some sort of filling poured over. In this case, we’re using white cake, raspberry Jello, and raspberry preserves. Top it all of with a layer of whipped cream and coconut flakes, and you have one delicious summer dessert on your hands!

This recipe is made super simple by using a box cake mix. You can, of course, make the cake from scratch if you have the time and energy, but I’m all about quick and easy when it comes to making desserts! With just 6 ingredients and 5 steps, this poke cake certainly qualifies as both of those.

Start by preparing and baking the cake according to package directions. Once cooled, use the handle of a wooden spoon to poke holes in the cake every inch or so, only pressing down halfway. Next, mix together raspberry Jello and hot water and pour over the cake. The Jello will fit perfectly into the holes you just created, as well as bleed over into the cake itself.
After the Jello has been poured, microwave raspberry preserves and spread over the top of the cake. Finally, top with whipped cream and shredded coconut! The end result is a delicious, moist cake with a zing of raspberry and sweet coconut flavor.

This cake comes together in no time and is perfect for serving a crowd or treating your family to a little slice of summer! Go ahead and check out the recipe below, but be warned – this stuff is seriously addictive!
1 box white cake mix (+ Ingredients listed on box to prepare cake)
1 box raspberry flavored gelatin (Jello)
2 cups hot water
1 jar (10 oz.) raspberry preserves
1 tub (8 oz.) Cool Whip, thawed
1 bag (7 oz.) shredded coconut
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