Choose the Best Garlic

Are you tired of garlic going bad before you can use it all? Well, we’ve got a trick for you! With just a little extra effort, you can make your garlic last for up to six months, saving you time and money in the kitchen. Let’s dive into the details of this easy-to-follow method.

To ensure long-lasting freshness, start by selecting fresh, firm bulbs of garlic. Look for bulbs that feel heavy for their size and have tight, unblemished skins. Avoid garlic with soft spots or sprouting cloves, as these are signs of age and deterioration.

Once you’ve chosen your garlic bulbs, it’s time to prepare them for storage. Begin by separating the cloves from the bulb, but leave the skins intact. This helps protect the cloves from exposure to moisture, which can cause them to spoil more quickly.

To keep your garlic fresh, store it in a cool, dark place. Your pantry, cupboard, or cellar are good options. Just make sure the storage area is well-ventilated to prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to mold and spoilage.
For optimal freshness, use a paper bag or mesh bag to store your prepared garlic cloves. These materials allow for proper airflow while preventing excess moisture from accumulating around the garlic. Avoid using plastic bags or containers as they can trap moisture and promote mold growth.
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