After all chitlins are cleaned they must be run through several changes of cold water. Just fill your sink with enough water to cover the chitlins. The chitlins should be washed until the water is nearly clear when they are removed.
Now that wasn’t so hard was it? Okay now that the chitlins are cleaned and the hog maws have cooked a little. It’s time to finish up this tasty recipe.
Place your chitlins into the pot with the hog maws and fill with water. Bring to full boil, and then add chopped onion, salt, red pepper and vinegar. Reduce heat and simmer for 3-5 hours until meat is tender to your liking. Add more water if necessary.
Once the chitlins and hog maws have tendered remove from heat. Using a cutting board and knife, cut the chitlins and hog maws into 1 inch thick pieces. Serve on a bed of rice or with spaghetti.
Chitterlings Recipe