CAKE with MARIA Biscuits – No Baking, Delicious and QUICK TO MAKE

When we are in a hurry and time is not precious but insufficient, quick and easy recipes are in great demand. And speaking of desserts, a “no-bake” cake is the perfect solution to impress your guests without spending hours in the kitchen. This delicious cake requires no baking and is prepared in a few simple steps. Let’s discover together how to make this wonderful dessert!

400 grams of Maria biscuits or digestive biscuits
500 ml of milk
30 gr corn starch
150 grams of sugar
2 teaspoons of vanilla essence
200 grams of butter at room temperature
2 tablespoons of cocoa (optional)
Decorations according to preference (chocolate flakes, nuts, fruits, etc.)

1: In a saucepan, pour the milk and add the sugar, starch and vanilla essence. Mix well until the sugar dissolves completely and leave to boil – when it starts to boil, stir vigorously to avoid sticking to the bottom of the pan. After a few minutes, the cream hardens and is ready – let it cool down at room temperature. The starch can be replaced with a packet of vanilla pudding.

2: Add the butter at room temperature and mix until you get a smooth and creamy consistency – the cream should not be hot.

3: If you want a chocolate variant, add cocoa to the cream and mix until completely incorporated.

: In a mold or dish suitable for refrigeration, start assembling the cake. Place a layer of biscuits in the bottom of the dish, covering the entire surface.
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