Adding only water when cooking rice is a big mistake. I will share with you the secret that hotels use

For more taste, think about using broth made at home.


Enhances the flavor of the rice.

Enhance the main dish by combining flavors that either go well together or create an interesting contrast.

Cook the rice by sautéing it first.

Cooking rice grains in a small amount of fat before adding liquid is called toasting.

How to accomplish this:

Warm butter, olive oil, or coconut oil in a saucepan on medium heat.

Put the rice in and stir for 2-3 minutes until it looks a bit see-through and smells nutty.

Next, add your liquid (water or broth) and cook as you normally would.


Improves the taste of the rice by making it nuttier.

It helps to keep the grains apart and stops them from sticking together.

Enhances the flavor in a subtle way.

3. Add fragrant ingredients.

By adding ingredients like onions, garlic, and herbs, you can enhance the taste of your rice.

How to accomplish this:

After cooking the rice, add chopped onions, minced garlic, or shallots and cook until they smell good.

You can also put in fresh herbs such as thyme, rosemary, or bay leaves before letting it simmer.

To add some spiciness, you can use whole spices like cinnamon sticks, cardamom pods, or cloves.

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