Creamy dessert to make in 5 minutes and delight your taste buds

Delight your taste buds with this creamy dessert that can be prepared in only 5 minutes. (Image: Internet Reproduction)
Prepare to be amazed by a remarkably creamy dessert that takes no more than 5 minutes to prepare. When a sweet and tasty craving strikes, this is the perfect solution.

A basic dinner may be elevated to a gourmet feast with the help of this luscious milk dessert. The velvety texture and subtle taste will wow, making it the perfect dessert or snack to round off a spectacular meal.

The secret is out! Your plants will experience unprecedented blooming with only a tablespoon of this substance.
Sweets’ components
707 milliliters of dairy product
50 grams of sugar substitute (or 100 grams of sugar, depending on your preference)
combine 30 grams of cornstarch with 10 grams of vanilla sugar.
There are three egg yolks.
Zucchini powder to taste
Powdered cinnamon (for dusting)
Approach to preparation

Get the milk ready:
Combine the milk and zest of the lemon in a saucepan. Be cautious not to boil when heating over medium heat.
Combination of egg yolks: In a another bowl, combine the sugar, vanilla sugar, and egg yolks and whisk until smooth. Blend in the cornstarch.
Mixing the components: Take the lemon zest out of the milk that has been heated. Gradually whisk in the egg yolk mixture to the milk while cooking over medium heat, until a thick cream forms.
Continued on next page 👇(page 2)👇

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